Cambo is pleased to announce a new camera body for the popular Wide RS series.
The unique feature of this new addition is its ability to rotate the orientation of the sensor with a simple flip of the camera body. Switching from landscape to portrait has never been more secure. Nothing becomes loose from the body, the sensor is never exposed and there is no chance of changing your sharpness distance, as only the complete assembly with digital back and lens attached is rotating.
The swivel path also makes sure that the sensor stays centered at the same spot in the image. Of course the body has lateral displacement built-in, using Cambo’s unique accelerated gears with detents on every 5mm. This allows for quick and secure placement of the sensor when making perspective controls and especially when stitching. This new WRS-1600 is 100% compatible with the full range of WRS accessories such as lenspanels with Rodenstock HR optics, also including Cambo’s unique tilt/swing options for selective sharpness and optionally with Rodenstock’s latest electronic shutter system.
A new born Cambo product, created from 70 years of innovative experience with design and manufacturing of leading products in high-end photography.