Following the official introduction of the Fujifilm GFX100 on May 23rd, 2019 Cambo is pleased to announce a dedicated interface for mounting, and supporting this new flagship camera in the GFX line of products.
As a result of the different body design compared to the Fujifilm GFX50 series, the bayonet holder for the GFX100 will have a different shape than the existing holder AC-792, and includes an extra riser block for the front standard.
The existing Cambo Actus-GFX for the GFX50S and GFX50R
Cambo’s new AC-795, designed as an interchangeable bayonet holder kit, will be compatible with the current Actus-G series.
However, due to the design changes of the Fujifilm GFX100 body, this needs to be positioned on a higher distance to allow enough clearance. This results in an additional 30mm riser block to be needed for the front standard. As well as an additional spacer that needs to be added on the rear bayonet mount.
Because of this additional flange spacing the Actar-60, and some other wider angle lens options will not be able reach infinity setting with this kit.
NOTE: Alternatively the Fujifilm GFX100 will fit the Actus-GFX unchanged, in portrait orientation only without the need for the additional spacer, but because of the new design the AC-795 is required for landscape orientation.
A pre-production Cambo AC-795 without final anodization process.
Cambo ACB-795 Specifications:
Bayonet : Fujifilm GFX
Available Color: Black anodized Internal Rotation:90 degrees between Landscape and Portrait Raiser block front standard: 30mm high, included with kit.
The interface kit AC-795 will be available shortly and can be pre-ordered as of today from your dealer of choice.
The ACDB-987 is an interchangeable insert that fits on to Actus-G Camera System. It allows uses to replace the bayonet holders AC-792, AC-793 and AC-78E and offers the possibility to use a digital back on the Actus-G series.
Cambo ACDB-987 Tilt Adaptor with a Phase One IQ3 Back on an Actus G
The ACDB-987 also adds an extra 12º tilt function (+6/-6 degrees) close to optical center of sensor. You only have to add the appropriate fitting bellows and a SLW-adapter for your digital back.
ACDB-987 showing Actus-G connector Pins
The ACDB-987 makes it even easier to switch from shooting with your DSLR or Mirrorless camera body to shooting with your digital back, while adding additional movements that you come to expect from a larger view camera, while not adding much additional size to the Actus you already know and love.
This adapter is compatible with:
In order to have a complete, solution users will need to add one of the below SLW-adapters:
SLW-80 for Hasselblad-V compatible digiback SLW-89 for Hasselblad-H compatible digiback SLW-83 for PhaseOne XF compatible digiback SLW-84 for Sinar 30|45 compatible digiback SLW-81 for Leaf AFi/Hy6 compatible digiback WRS-1068 for Mamiya RB roll film back
And additionally need a set of the below bellows for Digital Backs:
ACDB-250 as normal bellows ACDB-252 as wide-angle bellows ACDB-254 as long extension bellows (on AC-330 monorail) ACDB-256 as macro extension bellows (on AC-345 monorail)
The ACDB-987 will be shipping soon from the Cambo USA Dealer of your choice, and will be on display at Photokina 2018 and Photo Plus Expo 2018.
Frequently here at the Cambo USA office we get asked questions that go something like this:
“I’m considering buying an Actus, and I don’t know what lenses to look for. What can you recommend?”
For anyone who has used an Actus (or have spoken with us at length) know that this is a very loaded question. Because there are so many different configuration options (and due to the nature of being able to adapt several hundred if not more legacy lenses to the system) it’s sometimes hard to quantify which lenses are going to work best for what system.
Without getting too technical, the answer to the compatibility question mostly relies on the Flange Focal Distance (FFD) of your camera body of choice when compared to the same measurement from your lens of choice.
FFD is the distance between the image plane (image sensor) and the front of the camera interface (mount or bayonet).
This measurement can also be known as: “Ahhhh why did this helpful article suddenly become all about math?”.
Generally speaking, for the greatest number of users, the Actar series of lenses will be a great starting point. These lenses were designed to offer the widest amount of usage across many different camera types. The only exception to this rule would be of course the Actus DB for digital backs (which is a whole other conversation in itself) because unless you are using a back with an electronic shutter, there is no way to trigger the capture process with these lenses.
“I see there is a ______ lens adaptor, can I use it on my camera?”
To make things a little clearer, please reference the below PDF for a general list of what modern or relatively available lenses could work to fit your needs. Or download a copy for yourself here.
This is not an end all list, because of the sheer number of lenses available that could possibly work. However, this should give a pretty basic starting point for looking at which options may be the best for your needs.
The Actus series of cameras is a modular unit that allows for an almost unlimited potential for customization. The standard Actus configuration comes included with a 150mm monorail (175mm for Actus DB/Actus GFX), but has the ability to be used with extended rails for longer focal length lenses or for macro purposes.
The AC-330 monorail extends to 300mm of length and allows for 1:1 focus with a 120mm macro lens. The AC-345 extends to 450mm which is good for 1:1 with 180mm lenses.
You Will Need:
A Cambo Actus.
(Mini, DB-2, or GFX).
Extended Monorail.
(AC-330 or AC-345).
1.5mm Allen Hex Key.
(included with every Actus model)
T6 Torx Screwdriver.
Actus Extended Bellows.
(If full length of extended monorail is to be used)
Step by Step:
1) With the rear bayonet facing you, begin by loosening both silver tension screws on lower left and right of the Body.
2) Use the focus knob to move the rear standard into the farthest back position (60mm)
3) Extend the rear standard until the silver set screw appears in the guide hole
4) Remove this screw and retain it for re-assembly. The rear standard can now be freely removed.
5) Turn the body over to reveal four T6 screws. Remove those screws and retain for re-assembly. Please note if you have an Actus-DB or Actus GFX the front standard is comprised of two pieces. Both pieces will need to be re-installed in order to complete the swap.
6) Re-assemble your Actus by following the same steps in reverse with the longer monorail of your choice.
And there you have it. Customizing your Actus camera for your needs is incredibly simple and something anyone can do.
For any additional questions or to purchase Actus cameras or accessories please contact your closest Cambo dealer at
This 2nd part of my examination of the Cambo Actus GFX system focuses (literally) on the lens tilting functionality. The tilting lens stage allows the photographer to alter the plane of focus, usually to match the plane of focus with the subject, to achieve better depth of focus with near-to-far subjects, or with macro focus situations.
The Cambo Actus technical camera system allows the front lens stage to tilt, altering the plane of focus to match the subject.
This lens tilt takes advantage of the Scheimpflug principle, a geometric rule that describes the orientation of the plane of focus of an optical system (such as a camera) when the lens plane is not parallel to the image plane.
Tilting the lens such that the desired plane of focus intersects the plane of the lens, and the image plane at one point, known as the Scheimflug intersection, is the core function of the Scheimpflug principle.
Arranging the lens tilt so that the desired plane of focus intersects with the image plane, and the lens plane, at the same point, allows for enhanced focus along that focus plane without resorting to extra small ƒ-stops, and in most cases achieves sharper focus in the desired area. The following image illustrates how this works in practice. The first image has the lens plane parallel to the camera back, and the result is a limited depth of field that is particularly troublesome for near-to-far subjects…
Here the back of the camera and the lens plane are parallel in a normal orientation—the focus is on the guitar pick which is very close to the lens—the focus falls off into the distance.
The second image has the lens tilted forward so that the lens plane intersects the plane of the face of the guitar, and the back of the camera—the result is an illusion of infinite focus or extended depth of field, even at a wide open ƒ-stop…
Here the lens has been tilted forward enough that the plane of focus matches the face of the guitar, and we have perfect focus along the whole length of the guitar, near-to-far.
The beauty of the medium format, mirrorless FUJIFILM GFX is that focus peaking in the electronic viewfinder makes the chore of determining the best angle for the lens easy—just tilt the lens until the red highlights show up along the edges in the image!
Besides the obvious application here in the still life above, subtle lens tilts can work wonders in ultra-close-up macro photography. This is something the Cambo Actus system excels at…
The Cambo Actus GFX with the 90mm Actar lens is ideal for extreme macro work. Small lens tilts can greatly enhance the apparent depth of focus at closer than 1:1 magnification distances.
Here the lens has been tilted to place the focus across the plane of the flower center. Closing down the ƒ-stop just a bit extends the depth enough that all of the petals are also tack sharp!
There is nothing quite so luxurious as a view camera for macro photography, and the Cambo Actus GFX is a joy to use with extremely precise geared focus movements along the extended rail—the focus peaking of the FUJIFILM GFX is fantastic for nailing the focus.
The Scheimpflug principle also has application in landscape photography…
Here I’m setting up a shot with foreground rocks leading up to the lighthouse—an extreme near-to-far composition.
The foreground rocks are only 24 inches from the front of the lens with the light house over one hundred feet away.
There is no way to achieve this level of depth of focus in a single capture without the use of a tilting lens stage.
While it is possible to capture several shots with differing focus depths, and merge them using focus stacking, the look of the Scheimpflug capture achieves a subtle “standing in the scene” kind of feel that just works better for this type of image!
Here is a short video showing another shot from the same day of shooting…
The Cambo Actus with the FUJIFILM GFX is truly the ultimate technical camera for demanding photography in architecture, still life, and landscape applications. While the system is not cheap… roughly $2,795.00 for the Cambo Actus, another $1000 – 1700 or so for a large coverage view camera prime lens, and you’d still need to purchase the FUJIFILM GFX body ($6499.95 from B&H) , if you are looking for the ultimate technical system, this is it!
I was able to borrow the system for a only a week, and had limited time to work with it, but I really enjoyed working with the system. This camera inspired many ideas for photographs that I would like to pursue at some point in the near future. In the meantime, here is a gallery of images from my testing—click on the thumbnails below to see larger images! You can find out more about the Cambo Actus system of cameras, available with adapters for Canon, Nikon, Sony, and Fuji-X, from their website here:
Once again a huge thank you to Lee for his very in depth review. To purchase a Cambo Actus GFX or any of the many other Cambo products, please visit to find the Cambo dealer nearest you.!
I recently had the opportunity to test the Cambo Actus technical camera with the FUJIFILM GFX—this was very exciting for me because I could renew my experience with view cameras in a new digital configuration! The Cambo Actus is essentially a view camera front end to just about any digital camera that gives the serious photographer the ability to use full lens tilt & shift with back shift.
The Cambo Actus consists of a front lens board with tilt/shift on a rail system with a bag bellows that connects the front lens to the back board using a clever magnetic attachment.
The Cambo Actus system uses large image circle view camera or enlarger lenses connected to a digital camera body through a bag bellows and a body adapter back standard. Basically replacing a view camera film holder with a digital camera body. I had the system set up for the amazing FUJIFILM GFX, a medium format 50 megapixel camera, and had an Actor 24mm & 90mm lens to test the full tilt/shift capabilities of the system.
The shifting function of this type of camera system is primarily used in architectural photography to control perspective convergence. This was how we had to work before the days of Photoshop and Lightroom lens corrections. The idea is to keep the camera back perfectly vertical and use the shifting back to get the top of a building in the shot. A carpenter’s bubble level is very useful to square up the camera…
Here is a short video where I show the process with the Cambo Actus and FUJIFILM GFX…
I was using the Actar 24mm with is fairly wide angle for the GFX medium format camera.
Here you can see the perspective convergence in the building behind me. It was actually much more severe in the un shifted GFX shot—it makes the building look like its leaning backward!
Sometimes when the image is perfectly corrected with all the lines parallel, it can look a little off, like its over corrected. You might have to deliberately under-correct (allow for slight convergence) to make it look right…
The shape of this building still looks a little strange, even though it is technically correct.
The shifting back of the Cambo Actus is also extremely helpful when stitching multiple shots together to get undistorted wide angle shots! I took advantage of the horizontal shift to capture a shot of the Ames Free Library in Easton Massachusetts when the best vantage point for the building was too close to show enough of the scene.
Instead of panning the camera, I shifted the back left to right to get 3 shots of the scene.
Shifting the back of the Cambo Actus allows for perfect alignment with the building, so all the lines are parallel, and multiple shots blend together seamlessly with no effort. The image below shows the individual shots shifted to the extremes of the extra large image circle…
This sequence shows the extreme shift inside the image circle of the lens!
The result after merging in Lightroom/Photoshop…
I added a better sky into the merged scene in Photoshop, but the panorama merge was done in Lightroom.
The Cambo Actus system is definitely the big boy way to shoot architecture, but the camera has many other applications that take advantage of a tilting lens! Stay tuned for part two of my exploration of the Cambo Actus GFX where I look at achieving infinite depth of field effects with a tilting lens!
Please take the time to visit Lee’s website for more great reviews, tutorials, and stellar images.
Thank you Lee for taking the time to test and share the Actus GFX. For more information or to purchase one of your own please visit to find the dealer nearest you.
Stay tuned for Part 2 of Lee’s review coming soon!