Based on the knowledge used in our other Canon lens adapters, Cambo has now created an adapter to enable the use of Canon lenses on the new Fujifilm GFX 50s camera.
This adapter is mounted directly to the GFX camera bayonet and it controls the aperture of Canon lenses electronically, by similar controls as on the ACB-CA and WRE-CA.

Be aware that there is no further protocol to communicate with the GFX camera for setting aperture, autofocus or EXIF date from the lens.


It may be obvious that only Canon lenses that have a larger image circle, such as the T/S lenses, will have enough coverage for this sensor.

This combination makes it possible to use the new Fujifilm GFX camera with a 17mm (and 24mm) focal length that covers the full format of the Fuji’s 33x44mm sensor !!
Depending on the composition you may still be able to use the T/S movements on the lens itself, unobstructed.

Price and availability coming soon.